Ivan Kolmychek's blog

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What is this all about?

This is a place where I can share my personal findings, experience and discoveries.

They may not be new to you, to the world or even to me, but I found them worth sharing, even if only for future me to laugh at.


I do not use Google Analytics or other tracking tools here - I used to, but I found myself just not caring enough to look at it from time to time.

It does not mean I didn't respect your privacy - I strongly believe that anyone really concerned about tracking already has some countermeasures deployed.

Also, I do not beleive that not tracking you here will automaticaly disable all watchful trackers you encounter on almost every site you visit, but it's still nice to have a place where you don't see any third-party trackers in your blocklist.

I think we should have much more of these around. ;)

# Disqus

Previously I used Disqus for comments, but I've removed it, it wasn't used much.

If you have any feedback, I would be glad if you send it to me over the mail.

# I have feedback!

I would really appreciate if you send any feedback you have to my email, it can be found in the footer on every page except RSS feed.