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Twitter CEO apologizes to developers

22 Oct 2015

Twitter CEO apologizes to developers and says he want to “reset” the relations

In 2012 Twitter [changed their API][techcurch-twitter-api-change], making authentication a requirement and dropping the RSS support, that was a just another (but still very major) reason not to use twitter for me.

Yes, there are a lot of ways to still receive twits you’re interested in by RSS - for instance, building your own app for that or using third-party services, - but I think they’re hackish. I also think, I was more concerned about new policy at the time, which resulted in removing RSS - they were locking down their ecosystem significantly.

Now the new CEO says that they’re open to suggestions, you just have to twit them with “#helloworld” hashtag. There are a lot of suggestions already, some of them are good.

Anyway, I’ve twitted about bringing back RSS support. Let’s see how it will go. =)