Ivan Kolmychek's blog

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Blog updates (about, analytics, comments)

19 Oct 2015

It’s been a while since the last post, but I’m still alive and ok.

I’ve watched my pile of interesting links growing bigger and bigger and, all of a sudden, I was reminded, that I have a blog, which has not seen much activity.

So, let’s put it up to a good use.

First change - here comes the [about][about] page! It had to be added at some point. Maybe it will clear up a purpose for this blog a little bit.

Second - I’ve got rid of Google Analytics. Here are more information about tracking on these pages.

Third - I’ve added Disqus-powered comments. More details in the appropriate section of the about page. Yes-yes, they are completely optional, you can just disable this 3rd party request (or JavaScript entirely - progressive enhancement FTW) with your favorite privacy tool and don’t be tracked by them. ;)

Stay in touch, I hope that there will be a lot more updates coming.

Good luck and have fun. ;)